
Interactive Story - A Journey of Choices

An interactive story where you are the character and have to make choices to finish the story. Enjoy!
Sep 20, 2024
2 min read

I grew up at a place where the backyard was a mini forest of around 100 meter square with a variety of trees. I would spend hours playing in the backyard, climbing trees, and exploring all corners. I got red bricks and built a small pond where I would sail paper boats. I got introduced to all sorts of insects, earthworms, leeches, small ants, big ants, spiders, lizards, squirrels, birds and other creatures. As I grew, we had to move to a different neighbourhood and I lost touch with the backyard. However, my appreciation for nature had already taken root within me which I didnt know back then. It wasn’t profound, but it was definitely something.

As I grew up and moved to Europe, I went to different forests, mountains in different cities and countries. I would spend hours hiking and exploring the wilderness. Now here is the thing. Sometimes, I plan the hike and follow the track when its a serious hike. But sometimes, I just go out and explore without a plan. And these ones are the most interesting. At every step, you have to make choices. Go straight or take a left. Go up or go down. And you have to make a choice. And that choice leads to another choice. And this is what makes it interesting. You are not just walking, you are exploring. You are creating a story. You are creating an interactive story.

Keeping that in mind, I created an interactive story where the character is you who have to make choices and finish the story. While it isn’t entirely my own, there are elements of truth throughout. I hope you enjoy it!

Interactive Story

You are standing at the base of Mount Valor, a towering mountain known for its breathtaking views and daunting trails. Today marks your first attempt at a mountain this steep without a plan. The air is crisp, and the morning sun casts shadows on the rocky terrain. With your backpack filled with essentials—water, snacks, a map, and a first-aid kit—you feel a mix of excitement and anxiety. As you gaze up at the intimidating slope, you take a deep breath and think of starting the hike or going back.

What will you do?

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